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Mavera enables Sensor Försäkring to make accurate and efficient claims decisions

Written by Emma Hansson | Nov 14, 2022 3:45:00 PM


Sensor Försäkring is Sweden's fastest-growing private insurance broker. Their business idea is to make insurance easy, help customers get the insurance they need, offer superior customer service, and build long-term relationships. 

 Sensor has offered accident & health insurance since 2016 but had the claims handled by a subcontractor initially. When they started managing claims internally to improve the customer experience, they realized that they needed a decision support partner.


Sensor Försäkring needed medical decision support to handle personal injury claims and make accurate, efficient, and transparent claims decisions. But being a smaller company, building all areas of competence in-house would not be possible.

Oskar Norman, Claims Manager at Sensor, who has been responsible for building their claims department, explains:

“We did this to ensure the definitive delivery and expertise that Mavera stands for. This also allowed for us to take the next step internally. Why reinvent the wheel when we could easily team up with true experts?” 

“We know best to focus on our core business: making insurance easy and keeping our customers satisfied. We needed medical decision support that could efficiently support all our claims. Support that both has the capacity to handle the volume and the expertise for the rare, most complicated injuries". 

 He also stresses the need for better data and statistics to improve business performance. 

"For us, getting the right solution from the start was important. Not only thinking of the actual claims process as is, but a critical strategic area connected to our offerings, customer experience, and results. This is functionality that our management team has shown great interest in, and we will use more moving forward," says Oskar Norman.


After researching the alternatives, Sensor entered a partnership with Mavera in 2022. 

"We chose Mavera as their solution is the most attractive on the market, and they have impressed us with their high quality and reporting possibilities. We are looking forward to a long-term cooperation, and are off to a great start," says Oskar Norman. 

They chose Mavera Decision Support System (DSS) Professional edition, giving them access to reports and statistics, AI-driven decision support, and system integrations. 

Now they can automate claims management, get a clear overview of each claim, collect structured data and automatically assign claims to an available medical advisor.  

 "We now have built the foundation and the processes for strategic claims management. We can continue improving operations with further automation, shorten handling times and create a better experience for our staff and customers," he says.


Sensor Försäkring is now managing all claims internally. Thanks to Mavera, they can deliver a great claims experience with accurate, efficient, and transparent decisions. 

“Since using Mavera DSS, we have cut the average number of case touches (number of times a case is opened for a new action) by 50%. Shorter handling times, more satisfied customers, and internal efficiency gains is an obvious triple win," says Oskar Norman.  

After using Mavera DSS for a while, they realized more benefits. Onboarding new team members has become quicker, thanks to the streamlined process. They also found that the claims process has become more predictable. He explains: 

"Working with Mavera, we can inform our customers when they can expect a decision and stick to that. It improves the experience and reduces the number of calls from customers asking for updates." 

"The whole transition has been incredibly smooth. It was important not only to replace something old with something similar but rethink and improve the process. I really cannot come up with anything negative to say. If I did, I would say it!"  Concludes Oskar Norman.