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The nr. 1 Data point to collect from every personal injury claim - Mavera

Written by Viktor Norlander | Apr 6, 2022 11:29:45 AM

All data is not equal. Some data points can tell you a lot, others very little, while many grow as you combine them. The ICD code is one data point within personal injury claims, packed with information. We believe this data point deserves extra attention.

What is an ICD code, and why is it important?

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is an international standard maintained by WHO for health care classifications. It provides a system of diagnostic codes for classifying diseases, including a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or illness.

An ICD code describes the injury in detail and makes it accessible for both a doctor and an algorithm. It is precisely the kind of data you need to understand your customers and operations better and fuel your automation.

How can you start collecting ICD codes?

There is only one problem with the ICD code. It is so detailed that there are almost 70 000 unique codes, making it challenging to gather them. Insurance companies generally only collect ICD codes for less than 15% of their complex claims. How many do you collect?

So, how can you start collecting them? An initial place to start is in medical records. Sometimes you’ll find them where a doctor already has selected a suitable code. You can then extract the code in different ways depending on if you get the medical journal in a digital format or as a scanned document. But as not all claims come with a medical record, this method is not enough; a system will make the process a lot easier.

How Mavera DSS helps you collect ICD codes

Mavera has developed an AI algorithm that scans the claims documentation for descriptions of the injury and identifies the correct ICD code. With this support, your claims adjusters and medical advisors only have to verify the ICD code (and while doing so, train the algorithm to become even more accurate). This saves you lots of time, and you can start gathering valuable ICD codes.

Book a meeting with us to learn more about how we can help you collect ICD codes.